Betul ke ada ya ?? Tahlah cuba tengok statement dibawah..
Najib today said the picture of Anwar?s former aide Saiful with his official Khairil Annas Jusoh at the deputy prime minister?s office which was featured in numerous blogs, was taken three months ago when Saiful went to his office to seek a government scholarship.
If one looks at the answers given by Najib, the following begs even more questions:
1.Saiful dropped out of UNITEN sometime in 2007/08, why is he applying for scholarship only 3 months ago?
2.Saiful admitted after achieving a grade point average of 1.69 in three semesters, he decided to quit university. Why is he applying for scholarship to enter varsity again when he has quit?
3.Why is Saiful applying for scholarship in the Deputy Prime Minister office and not in the PSD office?
4.Why would such a senior officer in the DPM department bother to pose for a photograph with a young 23 year old, unimportant, new scholarship applicant?
5.Why important and busy ministers like Agriculture and Agro-based Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, Tourism Minister Datuk Azalina Othman and Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad and senior officers in the DPM department would take their precious time to pose photographs with Saiful if he is not a valuable person?
6.Surely having known Saiful is on the side of the opposition PKR, why would they even entertain him at all?
As the Chinese sayings goes, ?to cover up a lie, it takes another 100 lies to cover up that lie?.
If Najib can so easily lie now, it means that he can also easily lie at other times, like in the Altantuya case.
It looks like Najib is the one sodomising the public!
Even if, by a far stretch, Anwar is bisexual (I?m am not saying that he is), I wouldn?t care less about his personal life and sexual preference as long as he is a good Prime Minister. I rather have Anwar sodomising that treacherous, money faced Saiful anytime than UMNO sodomising and looting the whole Malaysian citizens for over 50 years! At least Saiful deserves it! But the
Malaysian citizens don?t deserve to in this pathetic state when Malaysia could be among the richest and most developed nations in Asia!
Berikut adalah senarai saman-saman Anwar ibrahim
1. Anwar saman Khairy 100 juta
2 Anwar saman Mahathir 100 juta 27 Januari 2007
3. ANWAR saman Dr CHANDRA RM10 JUTA pada 8 Mac 2007
4. Anwar Ibrahim Fail Saman Fitnah RM 10 juta Terhadap Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Dr Wee Ka Siong 18 April..
5. Anwar ugut saman Samy RM100 juta ..
Liza : Kes Anwar boleh buat kes study..
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